Our special issue on “Computational Empowerment and Children” in the International Journal of Child Computer Interaction is out!
The special issue is honouring Professor Dr. Heidi Schelhowe (1949–2021), whose research and perspectives have been foundational for the development of Computational Empowerment. Building on Schelhowe’s perspective, we included 8 international research articles in the special issue. These contributions showcase how current research in CCI is pushing the boundaries of Computational Empowerment towards novel conceptual perspectives, diverse application areas and participatory strategies for maturing the field. It thus provides an excellent starting point for readers to familiarise themselves with the current state-of-the-art of Computational Empowerment. Each of the contributions offer new opportunities and directions to further develop Computational Empowerment in CCI research and practice towards empowerment, agency and participation. As such, this special issue on Computational Empowerment marks the beginning of an emerging research trajectory within CCI research. It is an invitation to scholars and practitioners to take on the challenges that still lie ahead of us to fully embrace the Computational Empowerment of future generations.
Thank you very much to all co-editors of the special issue Rachel Charlotte Smith, Ole Sejer Iversen, Christopher Frauenberger, Netta Iivari, Anja Zeising, Mike Tissenbaum, Elizabeth Marie Bonsignore and Jason Yip.