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Events and Institutions

Presentation about Computational Empowerment for Emerging Technologies in Education in Department of Teacher Education, University of Viena.

Presentation about Rethinking Pedagogical Approaches for Critical Educational Robotics in RoboPhilosophy seminar, Aarhus University

Presentation at Workshop for Me­thods, Theo­ries, and Ta­king Ac­tion through Gen­der and Fe­mi­nis­ms in Hu­man-Com­pu­ter In­ter­ac­tion (HCI), Challenge: Design Interactive Genderless Toys.  Instructions can be found here

Round Table Practice-Based Research, Communication Department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 

Co-Design Strategies with Children in Full-Body Interaction for Situated Non-Formal Learning experiences

QTC Talk at Digital Living Research Commons, Aarhus University (Denmark)

Move, feel, think: Participative Design Strategies for Full-Body Interaction. See more information about the event

Women in Design & Tech Leadership Forum

Panel of leaders from design, tech and higher education and a town hall discussion to develop goals and practices to move toward leadership equality. See more information about the event


Marie-Monique Schaper, Mariana Aki Tamashiro, Rachel Charlotte Smith, Maarten Van Mechelen, and Ole Sejer Iversen. (2023). Five Design Recommendations for Teaching Teenagers’ about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 298–309.

Marie-Monique Schaper and Aurelio Ruiz Garcia. (2023). Three recommendations to engage At-Risk Students in Critical Reflection on Intelligent Technologies through Remote Learning. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Watch presentation video here

Marie-Monique Schaper and Narcis Pares. (2021). Co-design Techniques for and with Children based on Physical Theatre Practice to promote Embodied Awareness. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 28, 4, Article 22 (July 2021). DOI:

Marie-Monique Schaper and Narcis Pares. (2022). Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Virtual Heritage through Projective Augmented Reality. In CHI EA ’22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended AbstractsArticle No.: 18, Pages 1–9.

Yoram Chisik, Marie-Monique Schaper, Ferran Altarriba Bertran, Ruxandra Lupu, Laetitia Barbu, Laia Turmo Vidal, Erik Nilsen, Saumya Gupta, and Cristina Valero. 2021. Through the Zoom Glass: Drawing Design Inspiration from Mediated Playful Interactions with Food and Child Personas. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 294–300. DOI:

Marie-Monique Schaper, Laura Malinverni, and Cristina Valero. (2020). Robot Presidents: Who should rule the world? Teaching Critical Thinking in AI through Reflections upon Food Traditions. In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society (NordiCHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 110, 1–4. DOI:

Marie-Monique Schaper, Maria Santos, Laura Malinverni and Narcis Pares.
Co-Designing Virtual Heritage Experiences for Archaeological Sites based on the novel AR Paradigm World-as-Support
ACM Celebration of Women in Computing, WomENCourage Conference 2017. See conference abstract 

Marie-Monique Schaper, Maria Santos, Laura Malinverni and Narcis Pares.
Towards the Design of a Virtual Heritage Experience based on the World-as-Support Interaction Paradigm
35th CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). See conference poster CHI’17

Marie-Monique Schaper and Narcis Pares.
Making sense of Body and Space through Full-Body Interaction Design: A case study.
 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’16). See conference poster IDC’16

Marie-Monique Schaper, Laura Malinverni and Narcis Pares.
Sketching through the body: child-generated gestures in Full-Body Interaction Design.
14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’15). See conference poster IDC’15

Adriana Alvarado García and Marie-Monique Schaper
Does Digital Color Environment affect Memory Performance? Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC’15). See conference poster GHC’15

Marie-Monique Schaper, Laura Malinverni and Narcis Pares.
Participatory design methods to define educational goals for full-body interaction.
11th Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE ’14). See conference poster ACE’14