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Hands-on STEM Workshops at American Space in Barcelona

Together with Maria Santos, I organized a STEM workshop at the American Space Hackathon and Youth Innovation Day in Barcelona in which children learned about conductivity and how to programm mini-games through hands-on activities with Scratch and the microcontroller Makey Makey.




Girls in Lab Hackathon

GirlsInLab is an organization of volunteers in Barcelona which offers free educational and hands-on STEM workshops and tutorials for young girls to promote their interest in technology and in pursuing STEM-related careers.

On  29th November 2015, I participated as volunteer at the UPF Hackathon for girls between 7 and 17 years.

This video shows how the girls learnt to program and to create their own ideas with Scratch, robotics, AppInventor, Drawbots, 3D design, 3D printing and Makey Makey.

(You can get an impression of my Scratch Jr workshop from 0:58 min.)