QTC Talk at Digital Living Research Commons, Aarhus University

I am please to invite you to my talk “Participative Design Strategies for Full-Body Interaction” on Wednesday, 8th March 2017 at 15.00, Wiener Building 028, 030, 032, Aarhus University.
The design for Full-Body Interaction Learning Environments faces two main challenges. First, the need to define learning contents that are aligned with users’ understanding and that are suitable for the features of Full-Body Interaction. Second, research based on the embodied cognition framework proposes the use of physicality and spatiality to promote learning. Nevertheless, currently employed methods to involve users in the design of Full-Body Interaction Learning Environments often neglect to properly integrate the notion of body and space. In this talk, Marie will present a set of participative design strategies to tackle these challenges. The audience will be invited to participate in a dialogue about potentials and limitations of the presented design strategies and to think about the physical instance of a Full-Body Interaction design kit. Furthermore, we will discuss and reflect upon how this approach could be relevant for general design practices and applied to related research areas.
More information about the research project can be found here: https://www.upf.edu/web/evaluation-driven-design/